CAE Aviation Training Center Visit

On Monday 17/6 we had the honor of being invited by the managers of CAE Aviation Training Center and to visit its brand new and state-of-the-art facilities at Athens International Airport.
CAE is the leading global company in flight training, mainly through simulators, while it is also active in the development of modern military and security technologies.
AEGEAN’s partnership with CAE with the installation and operation of four latest generation Aircraft simulators, resulted in the installation of a state-of-the-art training center with technological features unique to the wider region of Southern Europe.
In the context of the visit, the possibilities of cooperation between our companies in the fields of education and the utilization of our highly qualified students in support of CAE’s work were also discussed.
Finally, we would like to warmly thank all the CAE staff for their warm hospitality and especially the honorable Alfred Rauch, Charbel Ward and Ioannis Kotsis
@AegeanCAE Aegean Airlines CAE Pilot Patras Aviation Training Programs(Hellenic Aerospace Hub) ARGYRIS VLANTIS @Hellenic Aerospace HUB P.C.

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